Create USB-Stick
Last updated
Last updated
If you've already created and booted from the USB stick and want to recreate it, don't do this while booted from the USB stick. Otherwise, you'll get a short HWID lock. To recreate the USB stick, make sure you boot into Windows normally, without the USB stick.
Download PhantomScript-Installer
Password to unpack: 1234
Unpack the files anywhere but not on the USB Stick!! Make sure to download Winrar for the rar archive.
Add your License key to the key.txt file
Make sure that you copy YOUR License key and NOT your Order-ID inside the key.txt. A License do not contain a minus (-)! Example of a license key: FADFDD25F2E727D6A0302ABEDF2E06AAB66772D36239Z6 Example of an order number: 84z13034-8215-4374-b4f6-633650d3a0ub
Make sure your USB-Stick is still plugged in
Double click on run.bat
If this error occurs, then you´ve to click on run.bat again
If the download was successfull you´ll see an Window like the picture below
It will close automatically after a short time
Please check your USB-Stick if there are similar files (name can differ as its random)